Kamis, 27 November 2008

Make Glossy Button With Coreldraw

How to make a glossy button in Corel Draw

Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Time: 5-10 minutes

Step 1: Open up a corel draw document. Select the rectangle tool from the tool bar to the left or else press F6 to do so.Draw a rectangle of desired size.

Step 2: Increase the roundness of the rectangle as shown in the following screen shot using the rectangle roundness option in the tool bar to the top. Make sure you have the lock turned on so that the roundness of all the corners are increased uniformly. Set them to the value shown in the screen shot.

Step 3: Fill the rectangle with a color of your liking from the color palette to the right. Here I have set it to ‘chartreuse’ as it is my lucky color. You can set it to any color you wish. Hope everything has gone right till now. Now change the color of the outline of your rectangle to a darker version of ‘chartreuse’ by double clicking on the outline pen tool at the bottom. Then apply the following settings as shown in the screen shot.

Step 4: Fine…now is the time when the real action begins. Select the rectangle we have drawn and hit CTRL-D to duplicate the rectangle. Now change the fill of the new rectangle to ‘white’ and outline to ‘none’ and place this rectangle on top of our first rectangle.

Step 5: Place the new rectangle on top of the first one as shown on the following screen shot.

Step 6: With the new white rectangle selected. Pick the ‘Interactive Transparency Tool’ from the left tool bar

Now apply the transparency settings to the new white rectangle by clicking and dragging it from bottom to top and then applying the settings as shown in the following screen shot.

Step 7: Now add some text to the button by using the text tool from the left tool bar (find it by yourself) and add some text. Your finished button should look like this.

PS: This is a very simple tutorial. If you have any doubts feel free to ask, there are many experts around here who can help you. As this is my first tutorial ever there might be several discrepancies.

1 komentar:

Andrea Adelheid mengatakan...

keren tutor na.. go iternational iaw....

xixiix .. maju terus kam pal!!!!!!!!!!!

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